Privacy Policy

Last updated 06/04/2021

Uatag takes care of your personal data and does everything possible to protect it. This Privacy Notice is written to help you understand what your personal data is collected, stored and used, and what happens to it when you use our website (“website”).

Who are we?

We are LLC "UATAG", registration number 43061716, we are registered at 03151, Kyiv, Ochakivska street/ Ochakivsky lane 5/6. Our office is located at 79000, Ukraine, Lviv region, Lviv, George Washington street, 4a/11. Hereinafter, LLC “Uatag” will be referred to as "we" and "our".

In relation to your personal data, we are the controller and processor at the same time. We are the controller of your personal data of our clients and users, which means that we determine what, for what purpose and how your personal data will be processed.

If you have any questions, you can contact us by sending an email to [email protected]. You can also send us a letter at the address: 79000, Ukraine, Lviv region, Lviv, George Washington street, 4a/11.

What is covered by the Privacy Policy?

This Privacy Notice applies to our Website.

Website Address:

What data do we collect and why?

The data we process is divided into two categories: technical information and data that is provided to us by user, customer and consumer.

Technical information. When you visit our site, some data is collected automatically. We need technical data to operate, maintain, and improve our website. This includes data such as IP address, UTM parameters, geolocation, device type, browser type, cookies, and data about your interaction with the site - session ID.

The session ID includes your interaction with the site, the name of the site from which you went to our site, the functions you use, the pages viewed on our site, the way you use our site, and the actions you take if such actions are present.

Data provided by the client. To perform a contract we need the following data: full name, date of birth, email, phone number, position, company name, payment information.

Data provided by the consumer. In order to provide you with the service, we need your name, surname, photo of the product and tag, photo of the check comments, contact details (phone, email), product purchase address: city, name and address of the point of sale, availability

Data provided by the user. For full interaction with our site, we may collect your name, phone number, email, and company name.

Once again, briefly about what personal data we collect:

Type of data

Description of data

Reasons for processing

Data provided by client

Full name, date of birth, email, phone number, position, company name, payment information

Performance of the contract

Data provided by client

Position, company name



Data provided by client

Full name, date of birth, email, phone number


Data provided by consumer

Full name, photo of the product and tag, comments, contact details (phone, email), address of purchase of the product: city, name and address of the point of sale, availability (photo) of the check.

Performance of the contract;

Providing a service

Data provided by consumer

Photo of the product and tag, address of the point of sale



Data provided by consumer

Full name, contact details


Data provided by user

Full name, phone number, email, and company name

Performance of the contract;

Providing a service

Data provided by user

Name, phone number, email


Automatically collected data

Technical information


Website operation;



Pay your attention. We knowingly do not process the personal data of users under the age of 16 without consent from legal representative(s). If you are such a user, or you are the legal representative of the user, please let us know by email [email protected].

How long do we keep your data?

We store personal data in the following categories:

  • client data

We store personal client data for the duration of the service and 24 months after completion.

  • consumer data

We store personal data of consumer during the term of the transaction between us and the consumer.

  • user data

We store users' personal data for 18 months.

However, you can exercise your right to delete your data. In this case, your data will be deleted from our servers within 30 days of your request.

Do we share data with third parties?

We use your personal data to perform a contact and for communication between us and the customer, between us and the consumer, and between us and the user. We transfer your data on the following grounds:

Consent. We transfer your personal data based on your explicit consent.

Compliance with the law. We will disclose your personal data to third parties to the extent that it is necessary:

  • to comply with a government request, court order, or applicable law;
  • to prevent unlawful use of our site or violation of the Terms of Use of our site and our policies;
  • to protect against claims of third parties;
  • to help prevent or investigate fraud.

Transfer to third parties: We transfer your personal data to third parties on the basis of public offer for processing on our behalf, subject to technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. We may transfer your data to certain companies, consultants, and contractors hired to provide certain services on our behalf.

We will ask for your consent unless the transfer of data is part of a contract.

Do we do data transfer outside the European Economic Area?

The personal data we collect is stored on servers in Ukraine. By default, the data is stored in Ukraine, but we may need to process your personal data in another country. If a transfer is required, we will take the necessary data protection measures and ask for your consent.

However, if a data transfer is required to complete the transaction, we have the right to do so without your consent.

Do we use cookies?

We use cookies necessary for the functioning of the site. Using cookies, we receive the technical information specified in clause 3 and out Cookie Policy.

If you want to disable cookies, then you can find instructions for managing your browser settings at these links:

What rights do I have regarding my data?

You, as subjects of personal data, have the following rights:

  • The right to access information. You can request an explanation of the processing of your personal data.
  • The right to portability. You can request all the data that you provided to us, as well as request to transfer data to another controller.
  • The right to restrict processing. You may partially or completely prohibit us from processing your personal data.
  • The right to file complaints. If your request was not satisfied, you can file a complaint to the regulatory body, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.
  • Right to be forgotten. You can send us a request to delete your personal data from our systems.

To exercise your rights, write us an email at [email protected].

If your request was not satisfied, you can file a complaint to the regulatory body, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, at [email protected].

How do we update Privacy Notice?

This privacy policy and the relationships falling under its effect are regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”. Existing laws and requirements for the processing of personal data are subject to change. In this case, we will publish a new version of the Privacy Notice on our website. If significant material changes are made that affect your privacy and confidentiality, we will notify you by email or display information on the website and ask for your consent.